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Jean's Pics

June is the month for roses!

Butchart Gardens has a wonderful rose garden to visit. There are garden tours in all the communities. 

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Living on the Island in June

Around Nanaimo - Critters from my window

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Twins! There are many deer in Nanaimo - especially in North Nanaimo neighbourhoods.

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A sparrow with a bad hair day

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A visitor on my deck

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A calm summer evening


Near the summer solstice the sun appears to set into the sea.

Around Nanaimo - take the ferry to Gabriola Island

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The ferry to Gabriola Island leaves from downtown Nanaimo.

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A garden overlooking the sea

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Departure Bay from the north end of Gabriola

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Entrance Island from north Gabriola Island

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Many of the islands off the east coast of Vancouver Island have the sandstone rocks sculptured by the sea.

North of Nanaimo - "Hornby Island"

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This is Whaling Station Bay on Hornby. It's not a grand picture as the tide is out. Yes, there once was a whaling station here.

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A forest walk

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This is a cool day at Tribune Bay. Look at the August pictures for what this bay looks like when it is warm!

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The right hand end of Tribune Bay...

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Ford Cove, and the interesting sea-sculptured sandstone rocks.

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