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Jean's Pics

May is a lovely month on the Island! The leaves are out and the rhododendrons make colourful displays in the gardens and parks.

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Walking in the forest at Milner Gardens

Living on the Island in May

Around Nanaimo 

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Calla lilies in a neighbour's garden

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For a couple of weeks the laburnum trees shine.

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In May the cruise ships begin to go by on their way to Alaska every evening. This is the Volendam.

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A calm day for a tow

One of my favourite things - a garden shop in May.

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A walk in Neck Point Park - looking north up the Island

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A heron that day

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A cloudy day at Piper's Lagoon - with the tide out you can walk to the Shack Islands.

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The shacks were built by fishermen in the 1930's, and the same families still use them for summer camping.

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The lagoon with the tide out. Broom is a dreadful weed, but when it blooms in May it is beautiful.

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A May sunset from my deck

North of Nanaimo - "Up Island"

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A walk to Englishman River Falls

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This is the top of the falls...

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and the water drops into a narrow chasm.

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The path crosses the river at the upper falls, goes down the hill (above) to the lower falls, crosses the river again and climbs back up to the top.

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Through the canyon

The lower falls

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May is the best month to visit the Milner Gardens, as the rhododendrons are blooming.

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The view from the house out to the strait

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The lawns, and a wide variety of lovely old trees

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The garden blends into the forest, with old rhodo bushes.

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The forest is carpeted with the wild 'Canadian Mayflower' blossoms.

Victoria - Butchart Gardens in May

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Butchart Gardens entrance

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May is a lovely time to see the gardens..... This is the Sunken Garden, once a rock quarry.

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Cruising is always a joy and new ports are always adventures.

I hope you enjoy the entries, and I would appreciate your feedback. If I have missed one or more of your favourite places in the cities, let me know!

Thank you to Lynda Thompson, Lovette Kyllo, Kelly Raine, Jamie Robertson and Katie Robertson for sharing their personal photos...... and, of course, Google maps and Wikipedia photos.


:0)    Jean



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From the thousands of pictures of Vancouver Island that I have taken, I have sorted some of them into months. This is a vanity project that I have enjoyed doing!

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